647 research outputs found

    Intra-Firm Human Capital Externalities in Tunisia

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    In this case-study, we use matched worker-firm Tunisian data to elicit the roles of intra-firm human capital and modern firm features in worker remunerations. We show that the estimated return to education in wage equations is not modified when replacing in the list of regressors the firm dummies, representing observed and unobserved firm heterogeneity, by the first three factors of a Principal Component Analysis of the observed firm characteristics. These factors can be interpreted as: the activity sector, the intra-firm human capital density and the modernity of the firm. These results constitute an interesting argument in favour of the presence of intra-firm human capital externalities. Moreover, the estimated education coefficient does not change when the three factors are replaced by three surrogate variables, respectively: the textile industry dummy, the intra-firm mean education, and the firm’s age.economic development, rate of returns, human capital, wage differentials, intra-firm knowledge externalities, Tunisia.

    Managing multiple morbidity in mid-life: a qualitative study of attitudes to drug use

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine attitudes towards drug use among middle aged respondents with high levels of chronic morbidity. DESIGN: Qualitative study with detailed interviews. SETTING: West of Scotland. PARTICIPANTS: 23 men and women aged about 50 years with four or more chronic illnesses. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Participants' feelings about long term use of drugs to manage chronic multiple morbidity. RESULTS: Drugs occupied a central place in the way people managed their comorbidities. Respondents expressed an aversion to taking drugs, despite acknowledging that they depended on drugs to live as "normal" a life as possible. Respondents expressed ambivalence to their drugs in various ways. Firstly, they adopted both regular and more flexible regimens and might adhere to a regular regimen in treating one condition (such as hypertension) while adopting a flexible regimen in relation to others, in response to their experience of symptoms or varying demands of their daily life. Secondly, they expressed reluctance to take drugs, but an inability to be free of them. Thirdly, drugs both facilitated performance of social roles and served as evidence of an inability to perform such roles. CONCLUSIONS: Insight into the considerable tension experienced by people managing complex drug regimens to manage multiple chronic illness may help medical carers to support self care practices among patients and to optimise concordance in their use of prescribed drugs

    Improving the health of people with multimorbidity: the need for prospective cohort studies

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    The dramatic rise in long-term conditions (LTCs) represents a major challenge for individuals, families, and health care systems worldwide. Due to the scale of this rise, the management of patients with LTCs largely falls within the domain of primary rather than secondary care, at least in countries with well-developed primary care systems. For example, in the UK, which has a comprehensive primary care system based around general practice (trained family physicians working in multidisciplinary teams) and funded by the National Health Service (NHS), primary care contacts account for around 90% of the total activity of the NHS, and patients with LTCs account for 80% of general practice consultations. Effective primary care and community-based management of people with LTCs is thus a top priority

    Patient-reported outcome measures for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: the exclusion of people with low literacy skills and learning disabilities

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    <p>Background: Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are intended to reflect outcomes relevant to patients. They are increasingly used for healthcare quality improvement. To produce valid measures, patients should be involved in the development process but it is unclear whether this usually includes people with low literacy skills or learning disabilities. This potential exclusion raises concerns about whether these groups will be able to use these measures and participate in quality improvement practices.</p> <p>Methods: Taking PROMs for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as an exemplar condition, our review determined the inclusion of people with low literacy skills and learning disabilities in research developing, validating, and using 12 PROMs for COPD patients. The studies included in our review were based on those identified in two existing systematic reviews and our update of this search. Results People with low literacy skills and/or learning disabilities were excluded from the development of PROMs in two ways: explicitly through the participant eligibility criteria and, more commonly, implicitly through recruitment or administration methods that would require high-level reading and cognitive abilities. None of the studies mentioned efforts to include people with low literacy skills or learning disabilities.</p> <p>Conclusion: Our findings suggest that people with low literacy skills or learning disabilities are left out of the development of PROMs. Given that implicit exclusion was most common, researchers and those who administer PROMs may not even be aware of this problem. Without effort to improve inclusion, unequal quality improvement practices may become embedded in the health system.</p&gt

    Double trouble: the impact of multimorbidity and deprivation on preference-weighted health related quality of life - a cross sectional analysis of the Scottish Health Survey

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    <b>Objective</b> To investigate the association between multimorbidity and Preference_Weighted Health Related Quality of Life (PW_HRQoL), a score that combines physical and mental functioning, and how this varies by socioeconomic deprivation and age.<p></p> <b>Design</b> The Scottish Health Survey (SHeS) is a cross-sectional representative survey of the general population which included the SF-12, a survey of HRQoL, for individuals 20 years and over.<p></p> <b>Methods</b> For 7,054 participants we generated PW_HRQoL scores by running SF-12 responses through the SF-6D algorithm. The resulting scores ranged from 0.29 (worst health) to 1 (perfect health). Using ordinary least squares, we first investigated associations between scores and increasing counts of longstanding conditions, and then repeated for multimorbidity (2+ conditions). Estimates were made for the general population and quintiles of socioeconomic deprivation. For multimorbidity, the analyses were repeated stratifying the population by age group (20--44, 45--64, 65+).<p></p> <b>Results</b> 45% of participants reported a longstanding condition and 18% reported multimorbidity. The presence of 1, 2, or 3+ longstanding conditions were associated with average reductions in PW_HRQoL scores of 0.081, 0.151 and 0.212 respectively. Reduction in scores associated with multimorbidity was 33% greater in the most deprived quintile compared to the least deprived quintile, with the biggest difference (80%) in the 20--44 age groups. There were no significant gender differences.<p></p> <b>Conclusions</b> PW_HRQoL decreases markedly with multimorbidity, and is exacerbated by higher deprivation and younger age. There is a need to prioritise interventions to improve the HRQoL for (especially younger) adults with multimorbidity in deprived areas

    Public Health England's recovery tools: potential teaching resources?

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version.Training to combat chemical and radiation accidents, incidents or attacks is critical for health professionals due to recent events involving these hazards or their use as unconventional weapons, such as the use of the nerve agent novichok in Salisbury, UK. Health professionals need to have appropriate knowledge and skills to effectively respond to future events involving any of these substances, which requires a rapid and coordinated response from different professionals to protect the environment and minimise the number of people exposed and reduce morbidity and mortality. However, despite chemical and radiation incidents becoming increasingly prevalent, literature reviews have shown that there is a lack of teaching of appropriate competences to face future crises in Europe, particularly amongst clinicians and other health professionals that would be part of the initial response. Thus, De Montfort University (DMU, UK) in collaboration with different academics from the University of Alcalá (Spain) and researchers from Public Health England (PHE) with comprehensive experience in environmental decontamination and restoration, have created a short training course for providing undergraduate/postgraduate students with basic skills to respond to chemical incidents, basic skills that are based on the major competences recently identified by the European Commission [1]. This novel training has been tested with students from different backgrounds in various European universities, recording high degrees of acquisition of the various basic competences that we developed to initially respond to chemical events [2]. To develop the practical part of this chemical training, we have incorporated the novel guidance and methodology developed by PHE to successfully tailor a protection and recovery response to any incident involving chemical substances, which is available in the “UK Recovery Handbook for Chemical Incidents” [3] and its web-based tools: “Chemical Recovery Navigation Tool” (CRNT, [4]) and “Chemical Recovery Record Form” (CRRF, [5]). These innovative resources aid the user to select effective protection, decontamination and restoration techniques or strategies from a pool of up-to-date options applicable to different environments according to the physicochemical properties of the chemical(s) involved and the area affected. The CRNT is accompanied by the CRRF, which facilitates collection and analysis of the necessary data to inform decisions, and an e-learning resource named “Chemical Recovery: Background” (CRB, [6]), which could facilitate the learning of environmental decontamination and restoration. We are currently developing a short training course to cover minor radiation incidents; this radiation training will follow the same methods used to develop the chemical training, but with the specific PHE recovery tools to tackle such events, specifically the “UK Recovery Handbooks for Radiation Incidents” [7] and its associated web-based tools “Radiation Recovery Navigation Tool” (Rad RNT, [8]), one for each environment: food production systems, inhabited areas and drinking water supplies. This communication will explore the use of the PHE’s Recovery Navigation Tools as potential resources to facilitate the acquisition of basic knowledge to tailor protection and recovery interventions for minor chemical and radiation incidents to protect the public

    How to design and evaluate interventions to improve outcomes for patients with multimorbidity

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    Multimorbidity is a major challenge for patients and healthcare providers. The limited evidence of the effectiveness of interventions for people with multimorbidity means that there is a need for much more research and trials of potential interventions. Here we present a consensus view from a group of international researchers working to improve care for people with multimorbidity to guide future studies of interventions. We suggest that there is a need for careful consideration of whom to include, how to target interventions that address specific problems and that do not add to treatment burden, and selecting outcomes that matter both to patients and the healthcare system. Innovative design of these interventions will be necessary as many will be introduced in service settings and it will be important to ensure methodological rigour, relevance to service delivery, and generalizability across healthcare systems

    A randomized trial of an Asthma Internet Self-management Intervention (RAISIN): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    <b>Background</b><p></p> The financial costs associated with asthma care continue to increase while care remains suboptimal. Promoting optimal self-management, including the use of asthma action plans, along with regular health professional review has been shown to be an effective strategy and is recommended in asthma guidelines internationally. Despite evidence of benefit, guided self-management remains underused, however the potential for online resources to promote self-management behaviors is gaining increasing recognition. The aim of this paper is to describe the protocol for a pilot evaluation of a website 'Living well with asthma' which has been developed with the aim of promoting self-management behaviors shown to improve outcomes.<p></p> <b>Methods</b><p></p> The study is a parallel randomized controlled trial, where adults with asthma are randomly assigned to either access to the website for 12 weeks, or usual asthma care for 12 weeks (followed by access to the website if desired). Individuals are included if they are over 16-years-old, have a diagnosis of asthma with an Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ) score of greater than, or equal to 1, and have access to the internet. Primary outcomes for this evaluation include recruitment and retention rates, changes at 12 weeks from baseline for both ACQ and Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (AQLQ) scores, and quantitative data describing website usage (number of times logged on, length of time logged on, number of times individual pages looked at, and for how long). Secondary outcomes include clinical outcomes (medication use, health services use, lung function) and patient reported outcomes (including adherence, patient activation measures, and health status).<p></p> <b>Discussion</b><p></p> Piloting of complex interventions is considered best practice and will maximise the potential of any future large-scale randomized controlled trial to successfully recruit and be able to report on necessary outcomes. Here we will provide results across a range of outcomes which will provide estimates of efficacy to inform the design of a future full-scale randomized controlled trial of the 'Living well with asthma' website